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Paypal donation system.

U will receive points (read: gift) as a thank you, u can spend these points in our online shop system:
  • 5 EUR 400 points
  • 10 EUR for 1000 points
  • 20 EUR for 2200 points
  • 40 EUR for 5500 points!

  • Here are the steps you need to make:
    1. A PayPal account with a required balance [5, 10, 20 or 40 EUR] or a creditcard.
    2. Fill in your account number.
    3. Click on the Donate button or your creditcard brand.
    4. Make a transaction.
    5. After the transaction 400, 1000, 2200 or 5500 points will be automatically added to your account.
    6. Go to Item shop and use your points

    Incase u entered a wrong account name, or u didnt receive the donation points, contact us via Report Bug page, in game or via email. Include ur Paypal Email in the board post.
    Account number/login!:

Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box Monster of the day
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1 Zeplin(8)
2 Colt(8)
3 Krasnov(8)
4 Michasa(8)
5 Verone(8)