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Task system

!taskShows all available commands related to task system.
!task points inviteUse this command to show how many points you already have.
!task maxpointsUse this command to increase maximum amount of points by 500 (price 100% points).
!task ccUse this command to change points for 100cc (price is 3000 points)
!task outfitUse this command to get a random outfit shard (price: 15000 points)
!task itemUse this command to get a lottery present and get random item from it (price: 15000 points)

MonsterTask points
warlock 1
orshabaal 2
infernalist 2
wizard 2
elite warlock 2
elite orc berserker 2
elite orc shaman 2
elite orc leader 2
elite orc warlord 2
insane behemoth 2
dragon overlord 3
traitor 3
elite dragon 4
elf sharpshooter 4
swamp widow 4
elf flesh hunter 4
night amazon 5
murk valkyrie 5
evocator 5
giant butterfly 5
morgaroth 5
old widow 5
yeti 6
bloody mary 6
terror bird 6
betrayed elf 6
serpent lich 6
primal dragon 7
lost corsair 8
necropharus 8
frozen elf 8
torn corpse 10
frozen ripper 15
prehistoric earwig 15
destruction devil 20
nightmare 25
dracula 50
primeval 50
archdemon 50
ghazbaran 100
enesa 250
possessed magician 250
cannibal 250
titan 250
the horned fox 250
zoralurk 500
darth lord tom 500
wild tiquanda 500
immortal 1000
goetia 1000
gorgon 1000
lord of destruction 1000
terrifying sight 1000
hellfire dragon 1000
ice witch 1000
ancient protector 1000
cursed captain 1000
snow beast 1000
phoenix 1000
bazir 1000
verminor 1000
apocalypse 1000
auriel 1000
banished cultist 1000
devilish necromage 1000
chaos elf 2500
dragon god 2500
old widow queen 2500
black buccaneer 3000
glacial lord 3000
infernatil 3000
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