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War system

/warShows all available commands related to war system.
!war inviteUse this format to invite other guild to war:
!war invite,guild_name,kill_limit e.g. !war invite,Warriors,10
!war acceptUse this format to accept invitation from other guild to war:
!war accept,guild_name e.g. !war accept,Warriors
!war rejectUse this format to reject invitation from other guild to war:
!war reject,guild_name e.g. !war reject,Warriors
!war startUse this format to start a war:
!war start,guild_name,minutes_to_start e.g. !war start,Warriors,15
Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box Monster of the day
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1 Testsorc(97)
2 Testt(9)
3 H-romeu(8)
4 Crusher(8)
5 Hanae(8)